2012/6/8 朝鮮日報


 SKグループの液化天然ガス(LNG)事業会社、SK E&Sは7日、オーストラリア北部のダーウィン沖300キロにあるバロッサ、カルディタ両ガス田の権益を取得する契約を結んだと発表した。1983年から始まったSKの資源開発投資としては、単一鉱区で最大規模となる。

 SK E&Sは、米コノコフィリップス、オーストラリアのサントスの両社から計3億1000万ドル(約247億円)で、両ガス田の権益37.5%を取得する。取得後の権益比率は、SK、コノコフィリップスが37.5%、サントスが25%となる。


7 June 2012

Santos and ConocoPhillips enter agreement with SK E&S to progress the development of Caldita Barossa

SK E&S to fund up to US$520 million in carry obligations and contingent milestone payments Santos today announced that it had entered into an agreement with ConocoPhillips and SK E&S (SK), an affiliate of South Korean conglomerate SK Group, to progress the development of the Caldita and Barossa gas discoveries located in the Timor Sea.
Prior to the agreement, Santos held a 40% interest in both discoveries, with operator ConocoPhillips holding the remaining 60%.

The terms of the agreement are as follows:
・ SK will earn a 37.5% interest in Caldita and Barossa through a proportionate reduction by Santos and ConocoPhillips. ConocoPhillips will remain operator of both permits.
・ SK will fund the first US$260 million of a three-well appraisal program, expected to begin in 2013. Following completion of the appraisal program, SK will have the option to increase its interest to 49.5% in exchange for a further payment of US$60 million to Santos and ConocoPhillips, shared according to their original interests in the permits.
・ SK will fund up to US$90 million of pre-Front End Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) and FEED activities, expected to begin in 2014.
・ SK will make FID and first LNG cargo payments of up to US$110 million to Santos and ConocoPhillips upon meeting certain milestones.

Santos Chief Executive Officer David Knox said he was very pleased to enter into an agreement with SK and ConocoPhillips aimed at commercialising Caldita and Barossa.
“Today’s agreement is another demonstration of the value inherent in Santos’ portfolio and is consistent with our strategy of building strategic partnerships to commercialise assets.”
“Santos has a quality portfolio of assets in the Timor Bonaparte, including Bayu Undan, Darwin LNG, Bonaparte LNG and Caldita Barossa, and last year we monetised our stake in Evans Shoal,” Mr Knox said.
Santos Vice President Western Australia and Northern Territory John Anderson said various development concepts for Caldita Barossa would be assessed during pre-FEED.

“We will look at the option of floating LNG as well as the possibility of a tie-back development to our existing LNG plant at Darwin, either as an expansion of those facilities, the back-filling of Bayu Undan when it comes off plateau or a combination of both,” he said.
The transaction is subject to customary consents and regulatory approvals.

Working interests in NT/P61 (Caldita) and NT/P69 (Barossa)

Company Current working
Working interest upon
completion of today’s
Working interest if SK E&S
exercises its option
following completion of the
appraisal program
ConocoPhillips* 60 37.5 30.3
SK E&S  - 37.5 49.5
Santos 40  25 20.2


About SK E&S
SK E&S is an energy service provider primarily involved in the provision of city gas and electric power in the Republic of Korea. It distributes city gas through seven regional suppliers and is collectively the largest city gas company in the country with 25% market share.

SK E&S forms a part of the SK Group, South Korea’s third largest conglomerate with total revenue of approximately US$134 billion and businesses in primarily three sectors: Energy & Chemicals, Telecommunications & IT Services, and Trading & Logistics. Through its main holding company SK Holdings, the Group owns and operates subsidiaries such as SK Innovation (holding company of SK Energy, the largest oil refining company in Korea), SK Telecom, SK E&S, SK Networks, SK Shipping and SK E&C, and other affiliates in over 40 countries. SK Holdings was recognised as the world’s 82nd largest company by revenue in the 2011 edition of Fortune Global 500.

Through its subsidiaries SK Innovation, SK E&S, SK E&C and SK Shipping, SK Holdings has extensive experience in the LNG sector, which includes interests in Peru LNG, Yemen LNG, Ras Laffan LNG and Oman LNG.


朝鮮日報 2023/9/26 




韓国SKイノベーションの電池事業部門が10月1日、新会社「SK On」として正式に発足した。石油開発事業は「SK Earthon(アースオン)」として10月1日発足した。.



業界によると、SKアースオンは探査段階で権益80%以上を確保し、事業を主導した。生産段階での権益比率はCNOOCが60.8%、SKアースオンが39.2%となる。 1バレル=90ドルで計算すると、SKアースオンの年間売上高は5000億ウォン(約556億円)増え、営業利益は約2500億ウォン拡大するものとみられる。


