日本経済新聞 2007/5/29
マレー半島横断油送管 来年着工、11年稼働 マレーシア企業など調印
May 29 2007 Business
Times - Malaysia
US$7b trans-peninsula pipeline deal sealed
TRANS-Peninsula Petroleum
Sdn Bhd (TPP), the developer of a 300km crude oil pipeline across
northern Peninsular Malaysia, may sell shares on Bursa Malaysia
in 2010 to fund the project, a source familiar with the plan
The entire project will cost US$7 billion (RM24 billion),
spanning seven years.
The company is expected to finance the first phase, estimated at
US$2.3 billion (RM7.8 billion), with equity and borrowings.
TPP also plans to attract the Government to invest in the
TPP yesterday signed a
master alliance agreement with its partners for the projects: Ranhill Bhd, which will handle the construction
work, and Indonesia's PT Tripatra Engineers
& Consultants,
the project manager.
Ranhill was represented by its president and chief executive Tan
Sri Hamdan Mohamed, while TPP was led by its chairman Mohd Kamil
Sulaiman. PT Tripatra was represented by its director Pandri
The signing was witnessed
by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Indonesian
president Dr Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Also represented at the signing were Indonesia's PT Bakrie &
Brothers Tbk, which
is supplying steel pipes for the project and Al-Banader
International Group of Saudi Arabia that will help secure the oil
Abdullah Badawi 首相兼財務相は7日、マレー半島北部から東アジア諸国へ原油を輸送する総額70億ドル(約8400億円)の石油パイプライン建設について、マレーシア政府が合意したと発表した。
7日付の地元紙 News Straits Times
Trans-Peninsula Petroleum が全長312キロの計画に70億ドルを投資すると報じた。工期は8年以上を見込んでいる。