(2001/10/22 三菱化学 発表)


 三菱化学株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:正野 寛治)は、このたびSasol Limited(本社:南アフリカ共和国・ヨハネスブルグ、社長:Pieter Cox、以下「Sasol」と記載)との間で、アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステル事業において、平成13年12月に合弁会社を設立することで合意いたしました。






1. 設立   平成13年12月
2. 社名   未定
3. 本社   シンガポール
4. 社長   輪番制(当初は三菱化学社から派遣)
5. 営業開始   平成14年3月末
6. 資本金   58.5百万USドル(約69億円)
7. 出資比率   当社:50% Sasol社:50%
8. 事業内容   アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステルの事業管理、販売、投資
9. 売上高   約110百万USドル(約130億円)
10. 従業員数   未定
1. 設立   平成13年12月
2. 社名   未定
3. 本社   南アフリカ共和国
4. 社長   未定(Sasol社から派遣)
5. 資本金   117百万USドル(約138億円)
6. 出資比率   事業管理合弁会社:50% Sasol社:50%
7. 事業内容   アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステルの製造
8. 設備能力   アクリル酸:年産8万トン、アクリル酸ブチル:年産8万トン
9. 立地   Sasol社Sasolburg工場敷地内
10. 着工   平成13年11月
11. 完成   平成15年12月
12. 従業員数   未定
【Sasol Limitedの概要】
1. 設立   1950年(昭和25年)
2. 資本金   1,559MM RAND(約200MM$)
3. 社長   Pieter Cox
4. 従業員数   約25,000名(2000年3月現在)
5. 事業内容(2000年度 1999/7〜2000/6)
  売上高(MM RAND) 比率(%)
石炭・石炭液化   10,915  35
化学品   12,409  40
石油精製    4,635  15
その他     3,343  10
      2000年6月期経常利益 約1000億円
6. 化学品事業における主要製品

  Sasol Limited はRWE-DEAからCONDEA Groupを購入

EU 2003/9/12

Commission clears acrylate products JV between Sasol and Mitsubishi

The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation to the creation of two joint ventures between Sasol Chemical Industries Limited of South Africa and Japan's Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation. The two ventures will produce and market acrylate products. (The operation, notified on 12 August 2003, was examined under a simplified procedure)

2003/2/21 Sasol

Sasol commissions R1,16 billion butanol plant

Sasol has successfully commissioned its new R1,16 billion butanol plant at the Midland site in Sasolburg and first material has been supplied to the South African market. Export material will be shipped during March 2003 and will arrive at target markets by April 2003.

The plant has a capacity of 150 000 tons per annum of normal-butanol (NBA) and 14 500 tons per annum of iso-butanol (IBA). The facility uses
technology licensed from Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation of Japan.

The project was approved by Sasol in February 2000, construction commenced in February 2002 and commissioning of the plant started on 1 December 2002.

Sasol chief executive, Pieter Cox says: "This new plant forms part of the overall construction of a world-scale acrylic acid and acrylates complex at Sasolburg, which will eventually make Sasol a leader in the global acrylic acid and acrylates industry, and the only competitor to produce all of the required feedstock, including propylene, acrylic acid, butanol and ethanol, at the same site."

A large proportion of the NBA will be used captively for the production of acrylates (in a new facility under construction at the Midland site and due to be commissioned at the beginning of 2004) and glycol ethers at Sasol's facility in Marl, Germany. The rest of the material will be sold globally through the Sasol Solvents sales structure and thus forms part of Sasol's broad portfolio of oxygenated solvents.

Sasol Solvents is a subsidiary of Sasol Chemical Industries (SCI). Solvents is a core SCI business and has been earmarked for substantial growth in the future. The commissioning of the butanol facility is an important step in realising this strategy.

Butanol is used as a solvent in, for example, lacquers, lacquer thinners, liquid printing inks, disinfectants and fungicides. The product is also used as a raw material for the production of plasticisers, acetates, glycol ethers and acrylates.

Sasol's decision to locate the plant in Sasolburg was part of its aim to help stimulate the socio-economic conditions in the Vaal Triangle area and create job opportunities to offset the deteriorating growth trend. The plant has led to the creation of 62 directly related permanent jobs while more than a 1600 people were involved during the construction peak.

2003/11/19 三菱化学


 三菱化学株式会社(本社:東京都港区、社長:冨澤 龍一)は、平成13年12月、Sasol Limited(本社:南アフリカ共和国・ヨハネスブルグ、社長:Pieter Cox、以下「Sasol」と記載)との間で、アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステルの共同事業について、合弁会社を設立することで
基本合意し、その詳細につき両社で検討を重ねてまいりましたが、本年9月30日付で合弁新社を設立いたしました。 来年初めのプラント営業運転稼動にあわせ、 本格的に事業を開始する予定です。(2003/9 EU承認

 今回の提携は、アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステル事業において、Sasol社の最新の石炭液化技術を用いて生産したプロピレン及びエタノール並びにノルマルブタノールなどの価格競争力をもつ原料と、当社のアクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステル製造技術を組み合わせることにより、品質・価格面においてより優位性のある製品を国際市場に提供することを目的としています。 具体的には、製品の販売、投資等をグローバルに展開する事業管理合弁会社 【社名:
Sasol Dia Acrylates (Pty) Limited】と、製品の製造を行う製造合弁会社【社名:Sasol Dia Acrylates (South Africa) (Pty) Limited】の2社を南アフリカに設立いたします。





Sasol Dia Acrylates (Pty) Limited の概要】
1. 設立 平成15年9月30日
2. 本社 南アフリカ共和国
3. 社長 木村 武司 (きむら・たけし)三菱化学社から派遣
4. 出資比率 当社:50% Sasol社:50%
5. 事業内容 アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステルの販売、投資等の事業管理
6. 売上高 130百万USドル(143億円)
7.従業員数 6名(三菱化学からの出向者数は2人)
Sasol Dia Acrylates (South Africa) (Pty) Limited の概要】
1. 設立 平成15年9月30日
2. 本社 南アフリカ共和国
3. 社長 モロシセボカ
4. 出資比率 Sasol Dia Acrylates (Pty) Limited社:50% Sasol社:50%
5. 事業内容 アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステルの製造
6. 設備能力 アクリル酸:年産8万トン、アクリル酸ブチル:年産8万トン、
7. 立地  Sasol社Sasolburg工場敷地内
8. 着工 平成13年11月
9. 完成予定 平成15年12月
10 従業員数 2名(三菱化学からの出向者数は1人)
【Sasol Limitedの概要】
1.設  立 1950年(昭和25年)
2.社  長 Pieter Cox
3.従業員数 30千名(2002年末現在)
    売上高(US$MM)   比率(%)
石炭        112    1.6
合成       1511   21.1
石油及びガス        942   13.2
化学       4543   63.6
その他         40    0.5
    売上    US$ 7,148MM
    営業利益 US$ 1,319MM

平成16年4月1日 三菱化学

南アフリカ アクリル酸合弁会社製品出荷開始について

 三菱化学株式会社(本社:東京都港区、社長:冨澤 龍一、以下「三菱化学」と記載)は、サソールリミティッド(本社:南アフリカ共和国・ヨハネスブルグ、社長:ピーター・コックス、以下「サソール」と記載)とアクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステルの事業合弁及び製造合弁会社2社を設立することを平成15年11月19日に発表しましたが、計画どおり商業運転がスタートし、平成16年4月より製品出荷を開始いたします。


 サソール・ダイヤ・アクリレーツ社長、木村 武司のコメントは以下の通りです。



1.設立 : 平成15年9月30日
2.本社 : 南アフリカ共和国
3.社長 : 木村 武司 (きむら・たけし)三菱化学社から派遣
4.出資比率 : 三菱化学社:50% サソール社:50%
5.事業内容 : アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステルの販売、投資等の事業管理
6.売上高 : 130百万USドル(143億円)
7.従業員数 : 6名(三菱化学からの出向者数は2人)

1.設立 : 平成15年9月30日
2.本社 : 南アフリカ共和国
3.社長 : モロシセボカ
4.出資比率 : サソール・ダイヤ・アクリレーツ社:50% サソール社:50%
5.事業内容 : アクリル酸及びアクリル酸エステルの製造
6.設備能力 : アクリル酸:年産8万トン、アクリル酸ブチル:年産8万トン、
7.立地 : サソール社サソールブルグ工場敷地内
8.着工 : 平成13年11月
9.完成予定 : 平成15年12月
10.従業員数 : 2名(三菱化学からの出向者数は1人)

(2002/03/29 サンアロマー発表)




  国内需要 約3,000トン/年








Metanol de Oriente, SA(三菱ガス化学) 

1999/7/24 Pequiven

Metor to double plant capacity → pending  

The board of directors of Metor recently announced their agreement to double the capacity of the existing methanol plant located in eastern Venezuela at the Jose petrochemical complex. The new plant is scheduled for completion by mid 2001, and will increase the current plant capacity of 803,000 metric tons per year to 1,715,500 metric tons per year.

Metor (Metanol de Oriente, S.A.) is a joint venture with the participation of Pequiven (37.5%); Mitsubishi Corporation (23.75%); Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. (23.75%) Inversiones Polar S.A. (10.0%); and the International Finance Corporation (5.0%). The company started commercial operations in July, 1994 and provides direct employment to a total of 160 operating and administrative personnel who have demonstrated an excellent level of job performance and efficiency in operating the existing plant.

Metor produces Grade AA methanol mainly destined for export and represents an important contribution to the industrialization process of the immense proven natural gas reserves of Venezuela. This second production train will require an additional volume of natural gas around 95 million cubic feet per day, which will be supplied by PDVSA Gas under a long-term agreement with the company.

Methanol is the basic raw material for the manufacture of MTBE and TAME (octane enhancer used to obtain high octane gasoline fuel). Methanol is also used for the production of acetic acid (solvents), formaldehid (resins, adhesive); and other products in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

The second production train will be built on the existing plot of land owned by the company in Jose and the integration with the existing plant will offer obvious advantages in terms of reduced construction costs and schedule in addition to economies of scale. The technology of the new plant will be provided by Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. and incorporate the latest process design improvements resulting in ease of operations and savings in maintenance and operating costs.

With the decision to expand the current production and double the capacity of Metor, Pequiven and its investors have reaffirmed their confidence in the continued operational and commercial success of the company.

* Pequiven is the petrochemical arm of Petroleos de Venezuela, SA, known as PDVSA.

2002/5/7 化学工業日報



1998/5/8 三菱ガス化学

 中古プラントが中国で再生 内蒙古伊克昭盟化工集団総公司へ

 三菱ガス化学株式会社(本社: 東京、社長: 大平晃、以下MGCと略す)は、中華人民共和国・内蒙古伊克昭盟化工集団総公司(所在地: 内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟・東勝市、総裁: 李武)との間で、MGC新潟工業所に所有するメタノール製造設備を売却することに合意しました。

 この設備は、MGCがメタノール事業の海外展開を図るための根幹として、技術の改善・新規技術の開発・大型化のための実証プラントとしての役割を担い、それらの成果はMGCの海外合弁会社である「Saudi Methanol Company」(サウジアラビア)や「Metanol De Oriente,Metor.S.A.」(ベネズエラ)に移転され、実を結んでいます。



  1997年11月22日   売却契約調印(於: 内蒙古自治区・呼和浩特市)
  98年1月〜3月初   オペレーターのトレーニング実施
  98年4月   解体開始(作業終了まで約5ヶ月間の予定)
  98年8月   最終ロットの積出しを予定
  98年4月〜99年7月   再建設、据え付け工事
  99年7月〜9月   立ち上げ準備、触媒充填、還元、単独試運転開始
  99年10月   試運転開始


[Saudi Methanol Company]
  工場所在地   サウジアラビア・アルジュベール
  設立   1980年2月9日
  資本金   259百万サウジリヤル
  生産能力   212万トン/年
  生産技術   MGC技術
[Metanol De Oriente,Metor.S.A.]
  工場所在地   ベネズエラ・ホセ
  設立   1992年3月16日
  資本金    129, 249USドル
  生産能力   73万トン/年
  生産技術    MGC技術

化学工業日報 2000/11/30



2001/9/19 丸紅


 世界のメタノール市場で25%のシェアーを占める最大手メーカーのメタネックス社(Methanex Corporation、本社:カナダ・バンクーバー、社長:ピエール・チョケット/Pierre Choquette)は、日本での燃料電池車の普及を目的として、昨年11月に三菱商事、三井物産とともに普及活動の推進委員会を設立していますが、この度丸紅を同委員会の新たなメンバーとして迎え入れました。丸紅は三菱商事、三井物産と同様メタネックス社のメタノールを日本市場で輸入販売しており、

Platts 2002/6/11

Asia to see 4.4-mil mt/yr new PTA capacity by late 2003

 Asia will see a growth in purified terephthalic acid capacity of 4.4-mil mt/yr, including some quality terphthalic acid capacity, onstream by the end of next year, if plans to start-up plants in China, Taiwan, Thailand, Korea and Iran do not go awry. One of these projects, by Korea's Samnam, will be for a 40,000 mt/yr QTA plant which is a cheaper substitute than PTA in producing polyester staple fiber, filament yarn, and film. About 1.7-mil mt/yr of new PTA capacity is slated to come onstream in the second half of this year. And by 2003, another 2.7-mil mt/yr of PTA capacity is expected to be brought online.

BP Asian JVs to add 1.05-mil mt/yr PTA capacity by Q1 '03

 BP's joint venture companies in Asia will bring on stream about 1.05-mil mt/yr of purified terephthalic acid capacity in North Asia by the first quarter of 2003, sources close to the company said Tuesday.
 BP's JV in China, BP Zuhai Chemicals will commission a 350,000 mt/yr PTA plant in Zuhai by January 2003, while its JV company in Taiwan, the China American Petrochemical Co will start up a 700,000 mt/yr PTA plant in Taichung by the later part of the first quarter. The start-up of the two new PTA plants will raise BP's PTA capacity in Asia through its JV companies to 4.45-mil mt/yr in the first quarter of next year. Its other JVs are in South Korea with Samsung Petrochemicals and in Malaysia with Amoco Chemical Malaysia.

Jan.03,2001 / SGC

Samsung General Chemicals sold PTA Unit to
Samsung Petrochemical

Samsung General Chemicals(SGC) has completed its corporate rstructuring with the sale of its purified terephthalic acid(PTA) business division for 300 billion won. The sale to British Petroleum(BP) of the PTA plant, with an annual production capacity of
400,000 tons, increased the cash flow to 1.1 trillion won. The completion of the sale of the PTA facilities means that we are able to reduce our debt-to-equity ratio to below 190 percent by the end of the year. The sales of the business division was realized through Samsung Petrochemical, a joint venture between Samsung and BP, as BP is bidding to increase PTA's market share in Asia. Prior to the latest deal, SGC sold power generation and other utilities units for 310 billion won and conducted a new rights offering worth 250 billion won. These concerted effort at increasing our cash flow have raised a total of 1.1 trillion won, most of which is being used to pay off our debts. Samsung Petrochemical would surpass Samnam Petrochemical as the country's largest PTA manufacturer with the sale which would boost Samsung Petrochemical's annual PTA output to 1.4 million tones per year.

April 10, 2003 Financial Times           経緯

Biyang Chemical PTA Project to Be Put in Production in May

After 12 years' negotiations and three years' construction, Biyang Chemical PTA Project will be put in production at the end of this May.

The project is a joint venture project between
BP and Zhuhai Fuhua Group. The first stage of the project has received an investment of USD 359 million and has an annual capacity of 350,000 tons. The two partners are also actively applying for the approval of the second stage, which the partners will invest USD 300 million. The capacity of the second stage is to produce 600,000 tons of PTA every year.

The both partners began to construct the project on November 13, 2000 and completed the main plant buildings in November 2002. On January 13, 2003, they put the project in trial operation. The project has operated smoothly for over two months. The spokesman of Biyang Chemical PTA Project said that after the relevant procedures are handled, they will put the project in regular production at the end of this May. The project is expected to produce 300,000 tons of PTA this year.

The PTA project is an important project in the Zhuhai Petrochemical Industrial Base and will greatly boost the petrochemical industry of Zhuhai. At present, the supporting projects for it have already put in formal production.

* Zhuhai=

2003-6-29 Asia Chemical Weekly

BP Studies PTA Expansion in China

BP is studying plans to expand its purified terephthalic acid (PTA) capacity at Zhuhai, China from 350,000-m.t./year to as much as 1 million m.t./year, sources say. The current unit is owned 80% by BP, 15% by Fu Hua Group (Zhuhai), and the remainder by China Chemical Fiber (Beijing). The government has approved a project listing,which means that BP can proceed with a feasibility study, the company says. The project is separate from a world-scale PTA plant that BP and Sinopec are studying at Caojing, China, BP says. The company recently increased its stakes in PTA joint ventures in Korea and Taiwan.

Platts 2003/9/10

BP may expand China PTA capacity by 150 kt/yr if demand rises

BP Zhuhai Chemical Co may expand its purified terephthalic acid production by 150,000 mt/yr to 500,000 mt/yr in the next one to two years if local demand rises significantly, an industry source close to the company said Wednesday. The plant at Zhuhai, Guangdong province is BP's first PTA venture in China. "BP is committed to making Zhuhai one of the most competitive PTA centers in the world," Byron Grote, BP group managing director and chief financial officer said at the opening ceremony of the plant at Zhuhai on Tuesday. Government statistics show that China's PTA consumption in 2002 exceeded 6.6-mil mt, of which only 30% was supplied by domestic production. Meanwhile, BP is expected to complete a feasibility study on possibly building a second 600,000 mt/yr PTA unit at Zhuhai by late 2004, an industry source said. BP received preliminary approval for the project in June this year from the Chinese State Development Planning Commission.

Platts 2002/7/11
Taiwan Formosa may start commercial PTA output late Jul

 Taiwan's Formosa Chemical and Fiber Corp may start commercial production at its No 3 purified terephthalic acid plant by late-July, a source close to the company said Thursday. The company is currently doing test runs at its 500,000 mt/yr PTA plant at Ilan.
 Formosa had to delay the start-up of the PTA plant several times from the second quarter, as it had to complete repair work on the compressor of the plant. Formosa currently has two PTA plants, each with a capacity of 420,000 mt/yr.

ユポ・コーポレーション(王子油化合成紙) http://japan.yupo.com/public/ourcompany/  






2002/07/22 住友化学工業





 このたび、住友化学は、原料であるメタノールが超臨界状態になる臨界温度以上(240℃以上)の条件下で反応を行うと反応速度が大幅に向上することを利用し、触媒を使用しなくても脂肪酸メチルエステルが高収率で合成できるプロセスを開発しました。さらに臨界圧力以上(8MPa 以上)の条件で反応を行うと、反応速度が向上し反応容器もコンパクトにすることができることをつきとめました。



Platts 2002/7/24  

Mitsubishi Gas abandons Saudi methanol expansion plan

Japan's Mitsubishi Gas & Chemical Co has decided not to add a No 5 line to its existing joint venture methanol plant in Saudi Arabia because of an expected global supply glut, company sources said this week. Upon completion of a feasibility study of the project in May, Mitsubishi Gas decided that by 2005- 2006 the world's supply of methanol would more than satisfy demand, thereby nullifying the need for Mitsubishi Gas to add more methanol to the market. "With 1-mil mt/yr of new methanol capacity coming on line in Australia and Trinidad, our No 5 Saudi unit would only have served to depress methanol prices and make the project unprofitable for us," a Mitsubishi Gas officer said. The No 5 unit would have had a capacity of 850,000 mt/yr.
The other units have a combined capacity of 3.1-mil mt/yr, according to industry sources. The facilities, located in Al-Jubail, are operated by Ar-razi, a 50:50 joint venture between Mitsubishi Gas and SABIC.

In related news, Mitsubishi Gas has put on hold its No 2 methanol plant project in Venezuela until at least October, when it hopes to complete a feasibility study on the unit, company sources said Wednesday. In October, Mitsubishi Gas is to decide whether to continue with the plant or scrap the idea. The "Metor 2" plant would have a capacity of 850,000 mt/yr. The proposed project is a joint venture among Mitsubishi Gas and Mitsubishi Corp--each with an equity stake of 23.5%--state run Pequi-Ven (50%), and other local Venezuelan investors (3%). Due to recent political turmoil in Venezuela, Mitsubishi Gas had trouble pinning down the Venezuelan government on the concrete terms of their agreement, trading sources close to the company said.

日本経済新聞 2005/1/7

三菱商事と三菱ガス化 ベネズエラにメタノール新プラント


Pequiven (37.5%)
Mitsubishi Corporation (23.75%)
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. (23.75%)

Inversiones Polar S.A. (10.0%)
International Finance Corporation (5.0%).


化学工業日報 2002/12/13

