Six Taiwanese companies to build 1m t/yr cracker in China
Six Taiwanese chemical companies, in partnership with a local Chinese government, are planning to build a 1m tonne/year naphtha cracker in Quanzhou, south eastern Fujian province, an industry official said on Thursday.
Jack J. H. Shieh, executive manager of Petrochemical Industry Association of Taiwan, told ICIS news that the six companies would hold a 80% stake in the cracker that would cost about $1.5bn.
These include, Ho Tung Chemical Co和桐化学, Dairen Chemical Corp 大連化学, Lee Chang Yung Chemical Industry Co 李長栄, Chang Chun Plastic Co 長春人造樹脂, Grand Pacific Petrochemical Co 國喬石油化學 and Taiwan Synthetic Rubber Corporation (TSRC).
The project still needs approval by the governments of China and Taiwan, said a source from one of the six companies.
If such an approval is given, it would be the first cracker to be built by Taiwan in China, signifying a breakthrough in bilateral ties. Previous attempts by Taiwanese companies such as state-owned CPC Corp and petrochemical giant Formosa have been unsuccessful in lobbying for a cracker on the mainland.
"We have set up a preparation and construction office in Quangang petrochemical industry park," Shieh said. "We just signed the cooperation agreement on 18 May and definitely expect to kick off the cracker's construction as soon as possible."
Shieh said he was quite optimistic that they would get the approval from the Chinese and Taiwanese governments. The feasibility study and the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed cracker project was underway, he added.
The feedstock naphtha for the cracker would be mainly provided by foreign suppliers and the products would be used by associated downstream plants that were to be built by the six companies, the executive manager said.
The Chinese government had allocated a special area for Taiwanese businesses in Quangang petrochemical industry park, where downstream chemical plants including polypropylene (PP) and styrene monomer (SM) would be built besides the 1m tonne/year cracker, a local Chinese official said.
Zhong Yunfeng, an official from the Quangang Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, said a total investment of around $6bn would be needed for the cracker and the associated plants to be set up.
These included a 400,000 tonne/year PP plant(李長栄), a 500,000 tonne/year SM unit(GPPC), a 160,000 tonne/year methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) facility, a 60,000 tonne/year methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) plant, a 350,000 tonne/year vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) unit(大連) and a 30,000 tonne/year acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) plant,(TSRC) Zhong added.
2009年05月25日 Chemnet |
福建省泉港に台湾石化がエチレンセンター 年100万トン |
2020年には年300万トン規模で国家大基地へ |
福建省福州市で先週開かれた第11回海峡両岸経済貿易交易会で、台湾の台湾石化同業公会が、福建省泉州市泉港区の泉港石化工業区南墾片区にエチレン年産100万トンの石油化学センター建設に着手したことが明らかになった。 同石化センターは第1期として2.4平方キロの敷地に60億ドルを投じて、エチレン100万トン規模のナフサ分解装置とポリプロピレン、エチレングリコール、スチレン、酢酸、合成ゴム、合成繊維など53品目のプロジェクトを推進する。売り上げ目標約700億元。 引き続き用地を4.6平方キロに拡大、2020年までに福建製油の2,400万トン(1200万トンが正しい)石油精製設備建設と並行して、エチレン年300万トン規模に増設する。売上年2,000億元を目ざす。 |
泉州市泉港区 Quangang, Quanzhou City near Meizhou Bay in Fujian Province
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沿革:1990年 開発開始
1992年 中国国務院より「国家レベルハイテク産業開発区」に批准された
1997年 中国全国初の対外開放のAPEC国際科学技術工業園区に認定された
2001年 全国初の国家レベル環境保全ハイテク産業園の建設が開始
2003年 国家レベル輸出加工区が設立
2005年 全国初の国家循環型経済モデル地区として挙げられた